jason May 15, 2015 alcohol, beer, Europe, food, Germany, JAL, munich, tourist, train Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel, Videos Traditional, Rich, and Backwards
jason May 14, 2015 bavaria, castle, disney, Europe, Germany, JAL, munich, Neuschwanstein, tourist, train Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel Neuschwanstein Castle
jason May 13, 2015 beer, Czech Republic, Europe, food, Germany, JAL, munich, Prague, Praha, train Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel, Videos Our Second Train Day
jason May 11, 2015 Czech Republic, Europe, Germany, JAL, museum, palace, panorama, Prague, Praha, tourist, train Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel Laughing it up in Praha
jason May 11, 2015 church, Dresden, Europe, food, Germany, JAL, tourist, train Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel, Videos Hoppin’ off at Dresden!
jason May 9, 2015 Berlin, dinner, Europe, food, Germany, JAL, museum, tourist Like 0 Liked Liked Photography, Travel, Videos Our last day in Berlin!
jason May 8, 2015 Berlin, Europe, food, Germany, JAL, Platz, Potsdamer, train Like 0 Liked Liked General, Photography, Travel, Videos Catching up with David